
PCN is the world's leading "cloud computing portal", created by the Global Digital Trade Industry Alliance. With the world's shortest and easy-to-remember domain names and powerful cloud computing services, has become the best platform for carrying and realizing the concept of digital trade. In addition, P.CN is a perfect combination of browser, client and server.


YOU GU Platform 优谷商城

YOU GU Mall is a one-stop e-commerce cloud application service platform. With the concept and technology of cloud computing, powerful functions such as mall construction, supply of goods, product data collection and display, order distribution, logistics distribution, and payment settlement have been realized. YOU GU mobile application client includes product display, information center, supply and demand business opportunities and other content.

优谷商城是由香港优享汇科技有限公司联合众多实力雄厚的互联网科技公司致力打造的一站式电子商务云应用服务平台。利用云计算的理念及技术,已实现商城建设、货源铺设、商品数据采集和展示、订单分流、物流配送、支付结算等强大功能。 优谷手机应用程序客户端包含产品展示信息中心供求商机等内容。优谷公司服务于中国各区域的专营商,区域专营商服务自己的经销商/合伙人团队,经销商服务自己的合伙人团队。

Believe App 相信科技

Believe Technology is a technology-based enterprise engaged in instant messaging services, and its affiliate believes that App is the first instant messaging software that users can set their own prices and share value. It is believed that mobile applications provide users with instant messaging services, monetization of professional knowledge and live broadcast platform services.


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